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Whistler Blackcomb Foundation donation to BC Parks (2017-03-15)


Whistler Blackcomb Foundation donation to BC Parks (2017-03-15)

Letter of Intent to proceed regarding the potential donation of funds by the Whistler Blackcomb Foundation to the Province, specifically the BC Parks' "Park Enhancement Fund". The objective of this donation is to contribute designated funding to the improvement and/or expansion of hiking opportunities within the vicinity of Garibaldi Provincial Park and the Whistler Blackcomb Controlled Recreation Area. The trail work is scheduled to commence in 2017 with a projected completion date of 2019. The specific trails to which the funding will be applied have yet to be determined, but will generally apply to the "Spearhead area" of the park. The Whistler Blackcomb Foundation intends to contribute funding towards the specific improvement and/or expansion of hiking opportunities within Garibaldi Provincial Park and will make a contribution of approximately $175,000 including the interface area between the Whistler Blackcomb Controlled Recreation Area and Garibaldi Park.

File Name: WhistlerBlackcombFoundationDonationToBCParks.pdf
File Size: 323.37 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 702 Hits
Created User: Paul Kubik
Created Date: 03-15-2017
Last Updated Date: 05-14-2019

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