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Cypress Bowl


Park use permit granted to Cypress Bowl Recreations Ltd. in 1986.

Map of the alpine permit area revised in 2006.


Response package under Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) to a request for documents related to Cypress Bowl. WARNING: 56 MB in size.

Park use permit #1506 restated with modifications from the 1986 permit and granted to R&H US CANADIAN CYPRESS LIMITED, a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of the Island of Jersey, solely in its capacity as Trustee of the CYPRESS JERSEY TRUST, a trust settled pursuant to the laws of the Island of Jersey.

Discussion paper on Public Access and Parking Capacity at Cypress and Mount Seymour Parks, August 2014.

Maintenance specification regarding highway snow removal published by Ministry of Transportation.

Also known as the Williams Commission Report, this is the report of the Special Planning Commission on Cypress Park (1995). This Document followed a series of disruptions and legal actions in Cypress Park.

Response letter under Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) to a request for documents related to Cypress Bowl.

Cypress Bowl Access Restricted Letter, Jim Standen

Cypress Provincial Park winter ski map showing the backcountry access corridors, revised for the 2017/2018 backcountry ski season.

BC Parks Ski Resort Policy (2015)
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BC Parks Ski Resort Policy for Cypress, E.C. Manning, and Mount Seymour Parks

This is the Cypress Mountain Resort amended road clearing contract from Nov 5, 1986 and contains the original Sep 13, 1984 contract in Schedule I. It is also the road clearing contract, as amended, concerning snow clearing services to be performed by the permittee in the vicinity of the Park area, as defined in the park use permit #1506 for Cypress Provincial Park, said permittee being effectively Cypress Mountain Resort.

Memorandum of Understanding between Ministry of Lands and Parks and Ministry of Transportation and Highways transferring a number of main access roads in Wells Gray, Mount Seymour and Cypress Provincial Parks to the jurisdiction of MoTH, including Cypress Bowl Road. These roads are designated as highways and will be maintained to MoTH standards. The annual maintenance plan for each highway will be reviewed and agreed to by District Manager of Lands and Parks the District Manager of MoTH.

Order in Council No. 260 (1992)
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Order In Council establishing Cypress Park as a Class A provincial park. It replaces OIC 612/86.

Order in Council No. 116 (1992)
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Order In Council establishing Cypress Bowl Road as an arterial highway under the Highway Act, sections 30 and 31.

Order in Council No. 314 (2008)
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Order In Council amending the boundary of Cypress Park in the vicinity of district lots 6632 and 2365. References OIC no. 260 in 1992, which describes the previous boundary.

Letter referring to a 1999 memorandum of understanding between MoTH and MELP to devolve Cypress Bowl Road and Mount Seymour Park Road from MoTH to MELP. An Order In Council was prepared but returned without enacting it due to various reasons. The letter refers to a revision of the returned OIC to address the issues but the revised OIC appearns never to have been enacted.

Letter confirming Cypress Bowl Road is classified as an arterial highway. Cypress Bowl Road ends just before the Hollyburn Access Road (Nordic ski area and Hollyburn cabins road) at the boundary of district lot 1149. However, the letter says it continues on under Section 42 to the end of "MOTI's limit" (need to investigate what that limit is). Under Section 42 of the Transportation Act "if public money is spent on a travelled road that is not a highway, the travelled road is deemed and declared to be a highway."

Abandoned gate house (2014)
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Letter speculating about an abandoned wood pole and concrete pad being a former gate house. Of interest is the response that a gate house should have been permitted by Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

This is the third modification agreement for the Cypress Provincial Park road clearing contract. The previous amendment was in 1988. The third agreement sets an annual snow clearing contract price of $510,000 adjusted annually by the CPI.