Who and what is Backcountry BC?
Backcountry BC is a grassroots organization intended to serve as a platform of advocacy for all backcountry users in the province of British Columbia. This website was built and is maintained exclusively by volunteers.
This website is a space for everyone's backcountry access issues, and is a place where we can all work together to try to solve them. This website has been desgned to accomodate an almost infinite number of authors (contributors), and a massive number of articles, documents and data.
It is also our intentetion with this website to provide a central long-term, freely accessible repository of documents for the backcountry community and the general public.
How do I join?
All members of the public can self-register and become a registered member for free.
How do I become an author on Backcountry BC?
We always wecome new authors and contributors to Backcountry BC. Make your request through our Request to be Author form.
How do I add a new issue or document category to Backcountry BC?
Make your request through our Submit New Issue Area form. Let us know your specific needs and we will do our best to satisfy them in a timely manner.
How do I add a new document category to Backcountry BC?
Make your request through our Request new document category form. Let us know your specific needs and we will do our best to satisfy them in a timely manner.
Part II - How do I insert YouTube Videos, Photo Galleries, and a map with a GPX Track into my article, comment or post?
Click Next Below for a Tutorial
How do I embed a YouTube video into my article, comment or post?
This is easy using Backcountry BC's Videobox Plugin. The following is a typical Youtube URL (Monster in the Woods): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v336YH-atBU
Use the following tags with the YouTube Video ID as follows (Asterix added at the start to so as to not trigger the module):
To add a description below your video add the following after the video idea: |Description
{*videobox}v336YH-atBU|Description of The Video Goes Here{/videobox}
This results in the following in your article:
Description of The Video Goes Here
How do I add a photo gallery into my article, comment or post?
First, Click in the body of your aricle in the text editor to place the cursor where you want to insert your photo gallery. At the bottom of the Text Editor is a button labeled "Simple Image Gallery Pro" with a red camera icon to the left of it. Click on the button, then follow the instructions provided by of the component. It is easy to create photo galleries and insert them into your articles with this button in the Text Editor. The component also allows for multiple file uploads.
How do I display a map with a GPX track in my article, comment or post?
This is easy because our trail database component is fully integrated with all other areas and components on Backcountry BC.
Step 1: Click in the body of your article in the text editor to place the cursor where you want to insert your track
Step 2: Click on the "Track" button at the bottom of the text editor (see Screenshot Above)
Step 3: Select the track in from the list of tracks.
Note that you will have to add the track to the trail database first if it does not already exist.
IMPORTANT: Only one GPX map can be displayed in a single article using this plugin.
Example of the Watersprite Trail inserted into this article:
- Min Elevation
- 811 m
- Total Distance
- 8.49 km
- Max Elevation
- 1479 m
- Way Points
- 0
- Total Elevation Gain
- 1136 m
- Track Points
- 583
- Total Elevation Loss
- 468 m
Values not available in the file may shown as 0. | |||
This track was downloaded 13 time(s). Please register/login to download this track. |
About the Document and File Repository and Instructions on Usage
This powerful component allows authors, clubs, and groups to upload large quantities of documents for planning and advocacy purposes directly in the front end of the Backcountry BC. It also allows Authors to easily insert any uploaded document into their articles. By default, uploaded documents can be viewed by the public and can be downloaded by any logged in Registered User. The Respository also contains powerful privacy controls which allow for specific documents or document categories to be accessible only by certain users and user groups if desired.
Note: We encourage all authors to make as much of the File Repository available to the public as is possible (to view and to download).
How do I Upload a Document to the File Repository? (For Authors Only)
Method 1) In the File Repository, click on the "Upload Document" Menu item on the right and follow the instructions. Please be thoughtful of your choice of category, and when in doubt, choose "Non-categorized User Uploads"
Method 2) In the File Repository, navigate to the desired category where the file is to be uploaded (using the categories layout at the bottom or using the Menu on the Right). Click on the Solid Orange "Upload" Button on the right of the page. The category will be automatically set to your current location.
Method 3) While creating or editing a new article, click on the "EDOCMAN" button at the bottom of the editor (See Screenshot Above). There is the ability to upload a document into any category here.
What if there isn't a category relvant for my document?
Method 1) *NEW JANUARY 2021* Authors now have a "Add Sub Category" Button that appears beside the "Upload" button in every category.
Method 2) Upload your document to the "Non-categorized User Uploads" category and let the Web Team figure it out where it should go. This is the lazy method. No longer necessary with the addition of the new "Add Sub Category" Button feature as of January 2021.
How do I add a document in the File Repository to my Article?
While creating or editing a new article, click on the "EDOCMAN" button at the bottom of the editor (See Screenshot Above). This feature allows you to easily add any document(s) from the File Repository into your article. The "EDOCMAN" button also features an upload document function as well. Multiple documents can be added into a single article if desired.
How do I create a private document category for myself or my group?
Backcountry Access BC Web Admin can easily configure the access settings for any category or file within the File Repository to restrict access to certain users or groups on the site. Contact us through our Contact page and let us know what your needs are.
Part IV - Instructions for Authors
Click Next Below for a Tutorial
Part IV - Instructions for Authors
How do I create a new article (for authors)
Step 1 - Using the main "Issues" menu item, navigate to the specific category (issue) where you wish to post a new article.
Step 2 - At the top of the category click "Create an Article"
Step 3 - Using the text editor, add you content. Then Click "Save" at the bottom of the editor. Your article will be automatically posted.
How do I edit my articles?
Step 1 - click on the "Issues" menu item
Step 2 - click on " My Stuff", followed by "My Articles"
Step 3 - Select the article you wish to edit
Step 4 - click on the orange gear tool at the upper right of the article, followed by "edit"
Step 5 - Edit your article in the text editor, then click "save" when finished your editing
I accidentally posted to the wrong category. How do I move my article to the correct category?
*Note that authors are only alowed to edit their own articles
Step 1 - Follow Steps 1 - 4 on "How do I edit my articles"
Step 2 - At the top of the text editor click on "publishing"
Step 3 - Use the drop-down menu under "category" to select the new location for your article
Step 4 - Click "save" at the bottom of the text editor