Would you like to author a trip report? We allow Authors to insert and edit their own trip reports. They cannot edit others.
We know that not everyone wants to go to a lot of trouble to write a report. Alternatively, you can always enter photos and a quick report on the Facebook group: Pinecone Burke Explorers group on Facebook
You can request authoring privilege via the Request to be Author form. Ask to be added as a Pinecone Burke Explorer.
If you haven't already, you will first need to Create an Account on BackcountryBC. It is a free and open advocacy platform affiliated with the B.C. Mountaineering Club and sponsored by hiking organizations such as Vancouver Trails, Victoria Trails and Chasing Sunsrise.
Trip reports should be for trips within or very near to Pinecone Burke Provincial Park. We ask people to provide helpful information on access, trails, routes and conditions. Interesting observations, photos, maps and your personal perspective are most welcome. Try to think how your report will be useful to other people. Please be mindful that trip reports are not intended for dumping a bunch of photos on the site. We request a story and description as a minimum.