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Crawford Peak Ski Loop

{GPSCONTENT ["id": Crawford Peak ski loop, "elevation": 1, "speed": 1, "hr": 1, "description": 1]}   {gallery}CrawfordPeakSkiLoop{/gallery}  

Mamquam Access

Access to the northern portion of Pinecone Burke provincial park is off Mamquam forest service road reached from Squamish. The first map shows access to Pinecone Lake, Knothole Lake, Seed Peak, Mount Gillespie, Pollen Peak, Boise trail (to Fools Gold trail) and Dunkeld trail (to Meslilloet Mountain). The road naming comes from the Sea to Sky Natural Resource District naming system. KM boards are nailed up on trees and their locations are as shown. Note: Mamquam FSR ends near KM 21 and the KM...

Coquitlam Access

Access to the southern portion of Pinecone Burke provincial park is currently from Burke Mountain or by crossing Pitt Lake from Grant Narrows. When Metro Vancouver opens Widgeon Marsh Regional Park, there will be hiking and cycling access from Quarry Road. Existing access to Widgeon Lake.   Planned access to Widgeon Lake through Widgeon Marsh. Type of access through Widgeon Marsh.  

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