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Probyn Forest Stewardship Plan overlaps 37 recreation trails and access routes
I participated with the Federation of Mountain Clubs of B.C. in identifying 37 recreation trails and mountain access routes in the massive Probyn Log Ltd. forest stewardship plan. The purpose of the FSP is to outline objectives set forth by the Government of British Columbia related to forest management activities proposed on crown lands.
Probyn is seeking a term of 5 years for this FSP. The map below shows the forest development unit areas. Stake holders, interested parties and the general public were made aware that the FSP was available for review and comment. The comment period ends today.
It is important that recreation groups participate in these opportunities. Unfortunately, Facebook posts, comments and Likes are irrelevant to this process. If you feel the need to comment on these opportunities, get involved with a recreation and/or conservation advocacy group to contribute.
Currently, the plan can be viewed here: https://www.ccl.ca/Probyn-FSP/?fbclid=IwAR0oWTDNFpJigZwXyh70xz9QQ4VL2YMeOy6qQhg61ci_g1TtizdoYcyyhNc