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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

Buntzen Lake

It is a safe supposition on my part to state that outdoor recreation has not increased 400% since last year (both front and backcountry).
The annual population increase of Metro Vancouver is 1.16%, and according to a senior government presenter at a MFLNRO meeting I attended, the number of hikers and backcountry users is annually increasing at a rate double that of Metro Vancouver (so around 2.3%).
These huge spikes of usage in some areas must be the result of other factors (some are mentioned in the article), such as the pandemic, user displacement, government policy, and I'm sure factors I am not yet aware of or have considered.
In fact, I believe that the current complexity of outdoor recreation and usage in SW BC is not well understood by anyone or any agency. The added complexity of multiple agencies who are currently demonstrating poor coordination and communication is not helping and leading to huge inconsistencies of policy and outcomes.
We need to figure our current chaotic and messy situation out, fast. It is time to ask deep questions, and to answer them with well funded data, research and studies. We need to be more proactive and less reactive in our decision making and the creation of policy, otherwise we risk making our problems much worse.

“Hell is paved with good intentions.” ― Samuel Johnson