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Wells Grey Provincial Park Recreation Strategy

Wells Gray Provincial Park Recreation Strategy
BC Parks is seeking public input in developing a Recreation Strategy for Wells Gray Provincial Park.
We want to hear from you!
Wells Gray Provincial Park is one of the province’s most unique landscapes and premiere outdoor recreation and tourism destinations. Over the past decade, visitation has grown, community expectations have evolved, the regional economy has changed, and tourism is now booming. In collaboration with First Nations, park users, stakeholders, and local and regional governments, BC Parks is developing a recreation strategy for Wells Gray Provincial Park to begin planning the future of recreation and tourism in the park.
Your input is important. Please take a moment to give input to the strategy:
1. Through an online survey, https://bit.ly/2kH1Aes
2. Through an online interactive mapping website, https://bit.ly/2kHQ0zS
Feedback will be accepted until October 31, 2019 at 4:00 pm
Thank you in advance for helping us shape the future of recreation and tourism in Wells Gray Provincial Park.
The Wells Gray Recreation Strategy is being developed to complement the Wells Gray Provincial Park Management Plan. The strategy will identify the actions that BC Parks, stakeholders and partners will take over the next 10 years to ensure exceptional year-round front country and backcountry visitor experiences. The strategy will also identify how visitor use will be managed to protect the park’s environmental and cultural values, and how the park will continue to contribute to strengthening the local and regional tourism economy.
The Wells Gray Park Recreation Strategy 2020-2030 document will be posted on the BC Parks Wells Gray Park website in May 2020.