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Old Growth Forests

Logging is deferred in nine areas including the so-called Donut Hole of Manning Park (Skagit-Silverdaisy).

Regarding the Donut Hole, the Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC says "the FMCBC is working in alliance with several others/organizations (including Tom Perry, Ken Farquharson, CPAWS, ORC, Wilderness Committee, Sierra Club of BC, BC Wildlife Federation, BC Nature, BC Federation of Drift Fishers) to save the Donut Hole.
While Imperial Mines' mining claims remain an on-going issue, the alliance believes this brings us one step closer to gaining full protection for the Donut Hole."

Full CBC Article:  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-to-protect-353-000-hectares-of-old-growth-forest-from-logging-until-new-plan-is-developed-1.5720919?fbclid=IwAR2UZJzSlye3SFMQgduWexht682Px7dWo5OINwbIyKYeZETYe6gcxMCCknA
From Darren Alexander of the Juan de Fuca Forest Watch

A timely reminder, of the cost of clear-cutting.

Timely, because here's what I know:

Teal Jones, with Pacheedaht contractors, are cutting big wide roads into and out of a mountain headwater of what is probably the most lush and significant tract of standing old-growth forest that remains, in our south island region.
They plan to clearcut the lot of it.
The work is underway. This is happening now, near Fairy Lake, just east of Port Renfrew. Not so far from Avatar Grove, probably one of the biggest tourist destinations on the island.
The BC government, as led by John Horgan, is sanctioning this destruction. Trees that are 500-800 years old are coming down now. And that's just to clear the roads.
Meanwhile they sit on their own Old-Growth Forest Management Review, refuse to reveal its findings. And meanwhile we KNOW what the costs are not just for us, but for our environment, and for a future with any hope of seeing those tall trees standing, right where they always have, for centuries.
This is quite a last minute posting on my part as the time for public feedback submissions on the province's Old-Growth Strategy closes today (January 31st)

BC Old-Growth Strategic Review

Thank you for your interest in submitting feedback to the old growth panel. The public consultation period is now closed. If you’d like to send a message to the BC government calling for the protection of the province’s endangered old-growth forests, please visit https://www.ancientforestalliance.org/send-a-message/

To the more than 2000 people who shared their thoughts, THANK YOU! There’s hope for ancient forests because of people like you who are willing to speak up and demand change. 

For the forests, 
The Ancient Forest Alliance Team