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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

Time for some answers and some digging on the part of Backcountry BC. 
Below is today's inquiry to the ministry with the second being the critical ask.
Hello xxxx,
I have some questions pertaining to the BC Parks Day Pass program.
Could you provide me with the following information?
What is the philosophy and rationale behind the present limiting of user numbers to the affected parks and trails listed in the subsequent paragraph.
Secondly, please provide me with the methodology, science and reasoning behind the term "carrying capacity" as applied to the affected trailheads in Garibaldi Provincial Park, Stawamus Chief Park, Cypress Park, Mount Seymour Park and Golden Ears Park (i.e. the quantitative reasoning behind the designated caps in the BC Parks Day Pass program).
Thank you for your assistance with my request.
Best regards,
Chris Ludwig - Backcountry BC