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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

Year by year summary tables showing the projects awarded funding by the Park Enhancement Fund. The funding comes from the BC Parks Licence Plate Program.

At the request of Backcountry BC, the BC Parks Enhancement Fund supplied us with the list projects funded by the BC Parks License Plate Program. Backcountry BC pointed out in 2020 that virtually all funding went to conservation or indigenous recreation projects. Yet, recreation is one of the pillars of BC Parks' mandate. Recreation projects would have funded backcountry trails, cabins, parking, recreation and access infrastructure. In the summer of 2020, in response we surmise, the minister for environment said that funding for 2020-2021 would have 50% allocated to recreation. We will let you be the judge.

In the modern parlance, whereby you call anything other than it is, "recreation" falls under the BC Parks program category of "visitor experience".

BC Parks License Plate Program Projects 2017 - 2018

BC Parks License Plate Program Projects 2018-2019

BC Parks License Plate Program Projects 2019 - 2020

Park Enhancement Fund Projects 2020-2021