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have to take the side of BC Parks on this one.

Rumour has it this Joffre Lakes gong show is consuming vast quantities of BC Parks's time and resources (not that they have much to begin with).

Images of hordes of angry drooling zombies roaming about the Duffy come to mind.


BC Parks staff experience verbal abuse after bus is delayed on Canada Day long weekend

THE NEW JOFFRE Lakes visitor management plan ran into problems on its first long weekend in operation.

The Canada Day weekend marked the official launch of the plan, which includes the use of a shuttle to ferry visitors between the trailhead and Duffey Lake Park, providing additional parking capacity on busy days.

But a provincial spokesperson, confirmed that an "unforeseen issue" led to a delay in the shuttle bus arriving at the Duffey Lake parking lot on Sunday, June 30.

"This caused schedule delays and therefore some visitors were frustrated and angry (verbally) towards staff," wrote a spokesperson, in an email to Pique.

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