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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

The problem of overcrowded parks and hiking trails did not happen overnight or by total accident. The numbers of hikers is annually increasing at double the population growth rate of the GVRD.
A core set of philosophical questions that lead to an understanding of yourself or a problem is:
Where did I come from?
Who am I today?
Where am I going?
So after decades of Government underfunding, decades of Government prioritization of commercial operators, decades of outdoor gear manufacturers and tourism agencies promoting the outdoor lifestyle, and decades of very few new quality hiking trails being added to the S2S inventory, how is the current situation surprising?
And it is going to get much, much worse if nothing changes.
So what are the options going forward?
Build a fence with a moat around the lower mainland to keep people in? Feudalism Version 2.0?
Take the bunker approach and maintain the status quo or even reduce the number of trails and concentrate the teeming masses of humanity like blood cells in an artery?
A quota system with ever increasing fees, rules and regulations?
Or what about increasing funding and increasing the number and quality of trails? (There is decades of catchup to do for this one).
We can choose, or not. So far, we have avoided making a choice and have done next to nothing, which is a choice.
It is this "non-choice" that has led us to stumble blindly into the current situation, and I suspect it will be the same non-choice that will lead us into the very gates of hell; its flames fuelled by our failings as a society and as a species.
All for the inability to understand a problem and the lack of courage to choose to do something about it.