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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

April 25, 2016

The organization Garibaldi Park 2020 obtains secret park use permit authorizing heli-skiing in huge area of Garibaldi Provincial Park

GP 2020 just received a copy of the Commericial Recreation Park Use Permit between Whistler Heli Skiing Ltd. and Her Majesty the Queen. Much to our surprise it's bigger area than anyone ever imagined. Check out our custom map of Singing Pass and the Spearhead Range. The permit area is outlined in pink.

Spearhead Heli-skiing Custom Map

The permit area covers 51 square kilometers of Garibaldi Park and is highly valued by backcountry recreationists. Yet, BC Parks is extending it for another five years. No wonder they wanted it kept secret.

How did 2020 obtain a copy of the secret permit document? We asked BC Parks for a copy but they refused to not provide it. So, we filed a Freedom of Information request.

Read more about heli-ski operations in Garibaldi Park and get your own copy of the heli-skiing use permit here:


Also, see our related article dated March 23, 2016 on this page. Even though Bill 25 is now law, BC Parks is dragging out the process of releasing park use permits to the public. It's sad we had to resort to an FOI request.

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