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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

November 19, 2017

Jesse Morwood
Area Manager, Squamish/Whistler Area Office
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Suite 310 - 1500 Woolridge Street
Coquitlam BC V3K0B8

By Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dear Mr. Morwood,

RE: Permit for sign, erection or obstruction on Cypress Bowl Road by Cypress Mountain Resort

It is my understanding that Cypress Bowl Road was classified as an "Arterial Highway" by Order in Council no. 116 in 1992. As recently as 2011, I am in receipt of an email message from Freedom of Information request no. TRA-2016-65250 addressed in part to yourself that the road continues to be classified as arterial. The message is online here: https://backcountrybc.ca/component/edocman/?task=document.viewdoc&id=190&Itemid=

Earlier last winter, Cypress Mountain Resort moved its gate house on Cypress Bowl Road from the West Vancouver Municipal Works Yard to the intersection with Chippendale Road. I am questioning whether or not the necessary permit was obtained from MoTI either to erect a structure, place a sign or obstruct Cypress Bowl Road. According to the Highway Act, section 32(1)(c) a person must not place a sign, erection or obstruction on an arterial highway, except with the consent of the minister and after having obtained from the minister a permit in writing.

Also, in the FOI package is speculation by Mr. Gary Watt, Superintendent, Road of District of West Vancouver that such a permit is required for a gate house, as he terms it. That communication is online here: https://backcountrybc.ca/component/edocman/?task=document.viewdoc&id=191&Itemid=

I request a copy of the permit, if you have it, or that you refer me to someone that can provide it.

Sincerely yours,

[British Columbia Mountaineering Club]

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