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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

This may be of interest, although Grouse mightn't be considered backcountry. Still, governments spending $2 million+ on two trails on Grouse (OK, one is the 'new' BCMC trail, and the other the 'grind', which isn't exactly a trail). What do they plan to spend on trails at Hollyburn, Strachan, Seymour area, etc? Garibaldi Park?

Full Article and Reference:  https://www.nsnews.com/news/3-5-million-slated-for-grouse-grind-improvements-1.24182374?fbclid=IwAR3UTt4fFGmXhdDiVpAwtXoM5zBeBFwG6nIyuz4VMUS4lgg0rNytUJKLY98

"Politicians gathered at the Grouse Grind trailhead Thursday morning to celebrate the recent announcement of funding towards trail improvements on North Vancouver’s Grouse Grind and BCMC trails in Grouse Mountain Regional Park.

The almost $3.5-million project will include expanding and improving the staging area at the base of the mountain where people congregate before setting off into the park to provide more room for hikers, as well as construction of secondary trailheads that will allow some park users to enter and exit the park from the mountain's lower parking lot. The project also includes building some basic storage facilities for park rangers to store safety gear."....

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