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Backcountry BC Trail Database Overview Map

February, 2011

The attached sheet was provided to the Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC by Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO Kamloops) in 2013. It is FLNRO's master tracking document that collected comments on Whistler Blackcomb's draft Master Plan. It states

RSTBC would like to promote free and easy access to the Singing Pass Trail through crown land/the CRA in winter and summer.  RSTBC agrees with BC Parks's position that: 

  1. Singing pass access not appealing, difficult & parking issues.
  2. Provide summer vehicle access on north side of Fitzsimmons Cr to penstock. BC Parks will construct bridge & trailhead parking facility.
  3. Improvements need to be made to road from old Singing Pass trailhead to facilitate free public access and additional hiking proposed by WB on Whistler side.

Link to the document:

Whistler Blackcomb Master Plan - Agency, Stakeholder and First Nation comments

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