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Rod Macleod, vice president of planning at Aquilini Group was interviewed by Sea to Sky Podcast in September. The interview is over 30 minutes long but there are a few takeaways that are of interest to the backcountry community.

Macleod couldn't help taking a dig into Vail Resorts, owners of Whistler Blackcomb. According to Macleod, Vail doesn't care about the local market. They are interested in the international destination market, whereas Garibaldi at Squamish sees its biggest market as Vancouver downhill skiers.

The GaS proposal has been reduced to half its original size. Swift Creek is no longer in the proposed CRA. Potentially good news for ski tourers as that is a natural corridor for access to Garibaldi Park.

The base area is at 1100 meters elevation, higher than Whistler by 500 meters.

Macleod foresees a 2 year process for approval, 1 year for detailed design and 2 years for construction.

BackcountryBC has concerns about the resort's effect on mountain goats and grizzly bears as Brohm Ridge appears to be habitat and a migration corridor for both. There are serious concerns about access to Garibaldi Park that must be addressed. The park master plan will be opened for an amendment to accommodate the development.

The full podcast can be heard here: https://sea2skypodcast.com/2018/09/24/resorting-in-squamish/?fbclid=IwAR1GSAP0ft2B8az-181lmX8VxFN-5AmWiQfasEspo6ys5O-cxebrWHRCbro



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