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2020 is probing the troubling inconsistencies arising from the alleged mineral lick "discovered" by Officer Watt on Darling Ridge. 9000 years ago Squamish indigenous people establish first habitation in the vicinity of present day Squamish. The then shoreline of the inlet is near the locality of Cheekye, which is above Brackendale near the confluence of Cheekye and Squamish Rivers. (Source: Squamish historian Ander Ourom.) The Cordilleran ice sheet that blanketed all but the highest points...

May 12, 2016 2020 submits Darling Lake Heritage Trail Proposal to the Honourable Mary Polak This follows the discussion of Darling Lake Heritage Trail with Mr. George Heyman, NDP MLA in the legislature on April 25th. From the covering letter to the proposal. We are greatly encouraged that you and your Government is seriously considering righting the wrongs of the past by expanding hiking opportunities in Garibaldi Provincial Park by offering to fully restore the Darling Lake Heritage...

May 9, 2016 2020 receives FOI responses for alleged Darling Lake mineral lick and communications with First Nations The material received regarding communications between government employees and Squamish First Nation, or any other first nation pertaining to or mentioning the Darling Lake Trail, Darling Lake or Darling Ridge was almost 100% redacted. The information content was close to zero. What does that suggest? Is there something to hide? The FOI response for the alleged mineral lick...

April 26, 2016 Garibaldi Park 2020 and 2020 issues discussed and debated in the Victoria Provincial Legislature NDP Environment Critic George Heyman brought several key 2020 issues to the legislature, including the Garibaldi at Squamish Resort Proposal, The Darling Lake Trail, and other important 2020 concerns.   Read the transcript here: https://www.leg.bc.ca/documents-data/debate-transcripts/40th-parliament/5th-session/20160425pm-House-Blues Today was a very promising day for the...

April 25, 2016 B.C. Mountaineering Club receives Watersprite Lake trail Section 57 Authorization BCMC received authorization to build the Watersprite Lake Trail from Skookum dam to Watersprite Lake. The authorized trail shares the first 2 km of trail with Darling Lake Heritage Trail.

April 1, 2016 George Heyman, M.L.A. (Vancouver-Fairview) meets with the 2020 team The 2020 team met with George Heyman in his Vancouver constituency office to introduce themselves and discuss the issues raised on the 2020 web site and GAS petition. Mr. Heyman is the Environment and Sustainable Energy critic of the NDP opposition in the provincial legislature.

March 22, 2016 FOI requests submitted by 2020 2020 submitted Freedom of Information requests comprising: Copies of the Heli-Skiing Park Use Permits/Agreements for Heli-Ski operations within Garibaldi Provincial Park. Copy of all the documents, letters, emails sent to and/or received from Squamish First Nation, or any other first nation pertaining to or mentioning the Darling Lake Trail, Darling Lake or Darling Ridge. Location - GPS coordinates - of all the mineral mountain goat licks...

Stop Work Order and Trespass Notice   DarlingLakeTrailStopWorkOrder.pdf On August 26, 2015, the BCMC was served with a Stop Work Order and Trespass Notice delivered by registered mail and issued by Murray Watt, Compliance and Enforcement Officer of Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. 2020 Commentary The trespass notice contains what we consider major factual errors. Our position: The alleged impact on sensitive ecological...

Heritage trail approaching the Mamquam Icefield and Mamquam Mountain from logging roads in Skookum Creek. In spring and summer of 2015, the volunteer trailbuilders from the outdoor hiking and climbing clubs of Southwestern British Columbia held several large work parties and reestablished the trail. A scant few weeks later resource officers from the Enforcement Branch of Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations descended on the trail. Stop work orders were posted....

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