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The following is a detailed Overview Map of the Garibaldi at Squamish Ski Proposal (GAS) that includes the critical wildlife habitat that it is direct conflict with.  Without drastic change to the proposal, the Deer and Mountain Goats will be displaced, and may likely die.  Source:  The website for the Garibaldi at Squamish Proposal. Garibaldi at Squamish Boundary Map to view high resolution image Garibaldi At Squamish project boundary: Click Here for Gmap...

The map below shows mountain goat winter range in Garibaldi Park. Click Here for Gmap Rendering (use this option if map below fails to display) The ARC-INFO SHAPE files were obtained from BC Parks. {GPSCONTENT ["id": 19, "elevation": 1, "speed": 1, "hr": 1]}

Deer and Moose Winter Range U2-002

The BC government publishes the boundaries of approved deer and moose winter range as part of the Forest and Range Practices Act. Garibaldi At Squamish will be destroying one square kilometer of critical deer winter range. No compensatory habitat can be added since winter range requires low elevation old growth, which can take 350 years to establish. For all intents and purposes, the critical habitat is lost forever. GAS gets the deer winter range for about $5,000 per acre according to...

The BC government publishes the boundaries of approved mountain goat winter range as part of the Forest and Range Practices Act. The map below shows approved mountain goat winter range in Garibaldi Park and surroundings bounded by Sea to Sky Highway. Approved means as set out in the Order - Ungulate Winter Range #U2-002. The GPX were generated from ARC INFO shape files at 100 meter spacing.Click Here for Gmap Rendering (use this option if map below fails to display) {GPSCONTENT ["id":...

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