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Southwest BC / Lower Mainland Regional Issues

bcregion mainland
With 2.8 million people, this dynamic metropolitan area is B.C.’s most populous region. It is home to one of the most ethnically diverse regions in Canada. It offers economic opportunities, a mild climate, an active lifestyle and all the amenities of a vibrant urban centre. Major industry sectors include trade and financial services, transportation, education, secondary manufacturing, tourism and agriculture.
Dig Dig Dig at Rubble Creek... Reference: https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/sea-to-sky/50-volunteers-dig-out-blocks-of-ice-for-improved-access-to-rubble-creek-trailhead-2509740 -x- AROUND 50 OUTDOOR ENTHUSIASTS picked up shovels and ice axes on Saturday, March 7, in an effort to dig out a major section of Daisy Lake Road. "We cleared what we think will be about 20 car spots," said Haley Foladare, huts coordinator for the VOC. "So yes, we think it was a success." At the start of...

The old-school shovel approach to a problem.  This is a rather interesting method of increasing public awareness about an access issue by the youngsters over at the VOC. There is currently an active petition to improve Winter Parking at Rubble Creek linked in the article.  Of particular note is the statement by the BC Parks representative that they "cannot accept donations for specific jobs". Does this mean that BC Parks will only accept money if they can spend it on what they...

I noticed this article on News 1130 (which includes our old Garibaldi Park 2020 website photo) where the VOC discusses the current parking problems at Rubble Creek.   The article correctly points out that funding for BC Parks in the 2020 Provincial Budget (from what I have heard and read) actually includes budget reductions over the next few years.   As much as I have been critical about some of BC Parks's policy and decision making, I have sympathy here as they seem to...

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