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Evolutionary Paths of Resort Governance (2017)


Evolutionary Paths of Resort Governance (2017)

The Evolutionary Paths of Resort Governance: A case study of British Columbia from 1975 to 2015, by Chris Sheppard, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment, Simon Fraser University

File Name: SheppardChris_2017_MRM665.pdf
File Size: 2.58 MB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 2008 Hits
Created User: Paul Kubik
Created Date: 04-13-2017
Last Updated Date: 10-31-2017
Document history:

This study examines the emergence and evolution of
resort governance systems. Using British Columbia as a case study, the research
explores the driving forces which influenced the creation of significant provincial policies
and pieces of legislation that comprise the regional resort governance system. Critical
moments in the evolution of British Columbia’s resort governance are explored to better
understand the impact of these forces and how they were negotiated.

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