Public comments are being accepted until June 3rd, 2020 for Seair Seaplanes Ltd.'s commercial recreation adventure tourism application at Phantom Lake. Comment using link below.
The subject application is for authorization of irregular use of 0.4 ha of Phantom Lake for low impact commercial recreation purposes (sightseeing, small hikes, picnicking). The operator intends to fly customers to Phantom Lake as an alternative to other, more popular destinations nearby
Per year, on average 10-20 flights, departing Richmond, BC would fly 30-50 customers (total number per year) to Phantom Lake for short sightseeing purposes (30 min duration).
The public is invited to comment on the following commercial recreation application by Big Mountain Bike Adventures Ltd. before March 7, 2020*.
Please consider if this application for guided mountain biking will affect public use of this area and if so, please consider making a comment that explains how the public will be impacted. If no response is received by the deadline, the application and adjudication process will move ahead.
Proponent: Big Mountain Bike Adventures Ltd.
Crown Land File: #2412096.
Purpose: Commercial Recreation / Multiple Use
Schedule/Term Of Proposal: Licence / Licence Of Occupation
BCGS Mapsheet: 92J005
Legal Description: Those unalienated and unencumbered land situated in the vicinity of Pemberton, Squamish or Whistler, shown outlined on sketches in the referral package.
Intended Land Use/background context: Big Mountain Bike Adventures Ltd. has applied for a 30-year Licence of Occupation for Adventure Tourism. This application is for guided mountain biking in the Sea to Sky area. The tenure area covers pre-existing trails in Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton. All activity will occur on pre-existing trails and there are no improvements planned. Usage of trails will be minimal, with the company conducting most operations overseas. It is anticipated to use the trails a few times a year.
Size (Area) in ha. (approx.): 1615.5
For additional information, review the referral package. Further questions should be directed to Maureen Nadeau at (778) 572-2276 |
To submit comments, please use the online form on FrontCounter BC's Applications, Comments and Reasons for Decision website or do so by email to the FrontCounter BC officer listed above.