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General Advocacy Articles

2020 - The year of the backcountry recreation and conservation advocate - a personal reflection
One of my New Year's resolutions for 2020 was to take it easy and to take a break from advocacy, smell the roses, and enjoy the simple and pleasant things of life; do more fun things.
So what the heck happened? Where did all this muck come from and why do I always blindly charge and plunge full speed into it?
Maybe I am just a glutton for punishment, or maybe I lack impulse control and just can't help myself. Is this not the definition of insanity?
Besides which, who needs fantasy when reality is much more interesting and crazy. 
But on a serious note, the number of people willing to be that square peg in a sea of round holes is small. You will become friends with the endless onslaught of rubber mallets very quickly, regardless of your opinion, position or stance. It is the nature of the advocacy experience and of standing against the wind. 
Perhaps it is not the issues that draw me in, but rather, the predictable yet exciting clash with the rubber mallets.
There are too few advocates in this time of apathy and activism. I understand why. It is neither for the faint of heart, nor for those who need to be liked everybody. 
And being a little disagreeable now and then is not a moral failing or short coming. There is a diversity of personality types because the world needs and thrives on diversity. That being said, you do not have to be disagreeable to be a successful advocate - you just need a little courage, conviction, determination and some solid facts as your energy source.
Oh well, at least I do indeed enjoy the passing smell of skunk cabbage on the trail now and then.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." Winston Churchill
Black and White thinking in Outdoor Recreation and Conservation
A recent phenomenon of western countries seems to be a growing polarization in both politics and in personal and institutional ideological belief. This narrow and rigid world of absolutes and all-or-nothing thinking seems to have spread to our local Outdoor Recreation Groups. The concept of balance, flexibility, open-mindedness and a world of grey/many colours appears to be, in some instances, a distant memory.
In this post I will refrain from naming the specific organizations.
That being said, I have witnessed outdoor recreation groups move radically away from their foundational principals and mission statements of promoting and advocating for backcountry recreation and the improvement of access and trail infrastructure, towards a strict anti-recreation conservation agenda.
No new trails without studies, broad strategic planning, assessments, management plans, etc. The outdoor community itself is actively putting in as many roadblocks as it can to block and to place delays of years and even decades upon new hiking trail development and infrastructure.
How did this happen, and how did these organizations stray so far from the very reason they were created?
Sadly, the conservation zealots that have infested and applied their black and white ideological principals to the hiking community have a blind spot to the fact that commercial operators, industry, mechanized users and other recreation groups (mountain bikers for instance) continue to build and lobby for increased recreation facilities for their user groups and companies as never before.
Conservation values and new trails/improved trails, facilities and access can and must coincide with one another. Furthermore, it seems like these outdoor recreation groups (which I will not name) are engaged in self-sabotage, by undermining our user group’s recreational opportunities, while all the other user groups (including commercial interests) move in a more rational and balanced approach for their respective communities and stakeholders.
Black and white all-or-nothing conservation thinking in the non-motorized community will leave us left out, locked out, left behind, and relegate us as a bottom feeding, bottom of the barrel laughingstock.
On Advocacy and Conscience
It has been a while since I wrote a general article about Advocacy.
I was reflecting upon the ethics surrounding advocacy situations where the issue is of high stakes and/or high profile, and the corporate or governmental body is in fundamental opposition to the values and objectives the advocate or the advocate's organization believes in.
Firstly, I don't believe that the ends justifies the means. And while there are situations where the position taken by the opposing side can appear distasteful, unjustifiable, unethical, illogical, or dishonest, etc., it is important to remember that we are all human beings. We all have loved ones, feelings, hopes and dreams.
Indeed, it is both easy and all too human to get caught up in one's passions and emotions, and to cast one's opposition as "evil" or "the enemy". But the world is never so black and white.
Vigorously representing one's arguments and facts is healthy, but it is important to remember that sometimes the person on the other side has no choice but to present a certain position regardless of their personal beliefs. And organizations themselves have their own psychology and pathology independent of the individuals within them. In fact, it is even possible to give an entire organization a mental health diagnosis just like an individual. I have personally witnessed those on the opposite side of an issue forced to defend a tenuous position they themselves did not believe in because of their employment. I felt great compassion for their internal conflict.
It is good to fight the good fight, to use all the tools at your disposal, and to enjoy the battle.  A chess game needn't be personal and should be fun. When your opponent loses, do not kick them when they are down. Do not rub their noses in their defeat. And when you lose, hold your head high knowing that you gave it your best and cared enough about something in life to try. Let the defeat go and learn from it.
I say these words not just for you, but also for myself.
Yes, the issues matter. But at the end of the day, you have to be able to live with yourself too. We also have to be able to live with each other, and to try to not create too much suffering around us.
The Backcountry BC Experience - The Fall of Investigative Journalism
As we at BCBC continue to take on more of an investigative journalism type of role and approach to our work, I have noticed that the official media are doing far less of it.
When we approach journalists for publication, we now present a fully researched position, since journalists seem to have far less time and resources to perform investigative work these days. It also seems that they are the first to be fired as a cost saving measure.
Opinion Editorial writers are cheap by comparison, and so in an age of the rapid decline of traditional media, the traditional investigative journalist is quickly becoming an over-priced phantom of the past.
Did the fourth estate fly too close to the sun?
So now, in 2019, who is there to hold corrupt politicians, ministries, bureaucrats and corporatists to account?
I personally didn't think investigative work such as this would ever become the responsibility of citizens such as us (BCBC).
Icarus is falling.
We are trying to keep him airborne for as long as we can, but the ocean is getting closer, and I fear that we may soon all drown.
γνῶθι σεαυτόν (know thyself)- an Ancient Greek aphorism was carved into the stone forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
The philosopher Socrates expanded its form to "The unexamined life is not worth living".

Today, in modern psychology, we have the "big five" personality traits - perhaps yet another variant on Ancient Greek Wisdom.
For the advocate, it needn't matter your personality type or your nature. All you need to be effective, is that you master what you are given by birth - agreeable or disagreeable, open or closed. The variants matter not, only the root and original aphorism. Throw in a good dose of courage and determination, and you are cooking with fire.