In light of the land grab feeding frenzy by Blackcomb Helicopters Ltd., Whistler Mountain Bike Groups, and Sun-shine Coast Mountain Adventures Limited (SCMA) we are beginning to investigate and ask more detailed questions. We may also begin a campaign and/or petition for a moritorium on these commercial recreation applications in the coming weeks should answers not be adequate or forthcoming.

Dear Mr. Standen, Mr. Vanderzalm and Mr. McCrone
We are deeply concerned about the recent quantity and proliferation of heli-biking tenure applications in Southwestern BC. We are concerned that the long term and wide spread impact on Wildlife and our wilderness areas by these mechanized commercial operators is not being fully studied and addressed, and is not fully understood.
As Conservation and Backcountry Recreation Advocates, it has been a struggle to keep on top of the sheer number and large scope of these tenure applications. This is alarming to us.
While we in principal do not oppose of commercial recreation and commercial operators, we have serious reservations about both Sun-shine Coast Mountain Adventures Limited's Land Use Application (larger in size than Gambier Island), as well as Blackcomb Helicopters Ltd. Heli-Bike Application at Tenquille Lake. These are of course just two of many such recent applications.
Such large scale helicopter operations and downhill mountain bike activities have strong potential to be highly disruptive to Wildlife, bio-diversity, and to compromise and undermine the wilderness values and integrity of these areas.
We subsequently request all wildlife, water and vegetation data and impact assessments/studies pertaining to these two application areas (mountain goat range shape files and mountain goat studies, deer, moose, grizzly bear, vegetation, soil, old growth management, etc.). Of extreme import and timeliness for us is to obtain and review all research and data pertaining to the Tenquille Lake Area.
We ask that these tenures not be approved until we the public can better and fully understand the scope and long term impacts of these major, large impacting commercial tenure applications.
Chris Ludwig
Backcountry BC co-founder and BCMC Vice-President