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Non motorized zones

The Sea to Sky Land and Resource Management Plan was adopted in 2008 and specifies a number of non motorized zones that fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Forestry, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO). The following map specifies the detailed boundaries of these zones.

At the present time most of them have not been implemented with a Section 58 order and therefore not enforcable by the Conservation Office. Negotiations are beginning to get more Section 58s put in place on these zones.   

For Gmap Click Here

Issue Lead Advocate - Bill Maurer

The LRMP identifies the following non-motorized zones:

  1. Ashlu
  2. Birkenhead
  3. Blanca Lakes core
  4. Cloudburst
  5. Echo Lake
  6. Elaho
  7. Gravell Creek
  8. Joffre Creek
  9. Lizzie Creek
  10. Lower Soo
  11. Mamquam
  12. Miller Creek
  13. Mount Currie
  14. North Creek
  15. North Hibachi Ridge
  16. Phelix Creek west
  17. Rainbow
  18. Salal Creek
  19. Sims
  20. Sky Pilot
  21. South Creek
  22. Sockeye Creek
  23. Squamish River
  24. Watersprite

S2S LRMP Non Motorized Map

The zones, which have served as provincial policy, were legally implemented by the district manager of the Sea to Sky Natural Resource District on April 3, 2020.
The order is made under the authority of section 6.1 of the Land Use Policy – Permission. It rescinds permission for all motorized recreation in RA1 zones, and all motorized recreation except air access in RA1-A zones, from December 1 to May 31 annually.
The intent is to increase voluntary compliance, reduce conflict between recreational user groups, and provide certainty to partners about legitimate, enforceable land use designations.

Letter to FLNRO Minister requesting section 58s on S2S non motorized zones

Response Letter from Robert Van der Zalm, Regional Manager, RSTBC, 2017-10-31


Response from John Hawkings (MFLNRO) to Rainbow Lake Letter

Reference: 228771

May 31, 2017

Via Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bryce Leigh
Access and Environment Director
Alpine Club of Canada – Whistler Section

Dear Mr. Leigh:

Thank you for your letter of May 6, 2017, to Tim Sheldan, Deputy Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, regarding your request to establish a Section 58 order to prohibit motorized recreation use of the Twenty-one Mile Creek watershed and surrounding areas.

As referenced in your letter, the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations with assistance from the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC, held a joint meeting in early September 2013 with government agencies, the Resort Municipality of Whistler, snowmobile groups, and non-motorized recreationists to find common ground for cooperatively addressing this longstanding issue. All parties in attendance agreed to work together to implement a number of proposed actions to improve education and awareness of non-motorized zones and enhance voluntary compliance.

{aridoc engine="iframe" width="900" height="600"}images/documents/Letters/228771_Response_Leigh.pdf{/aridoc} 

Rainbow Lake non-Motorized Zone Letter

The Alpine Club of Canada- Whistler Section

May 6, 2017

Tim Sheldan By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deputy Minister 

Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations 
PO Box 9352 Stn Prov Govt 
Victoria, BC, 
V8W 9M1

Re: Rainbow Lake Non-motorized zone and Twentyone Mile Creek RMOW Water Supply Area

After eight years of failed efforts to get snowmobilers to comply with the Rainbow Lake Non-motorized zone, it is now time to expand the non-motorized zone to include the entire area between the Callaghan River and the ridge between Sproatt and Gin Peak including the entire Callaghan FSR. This will be an easily enforceable boundary that will finally ensure compliance with the non-motorized zone and stop the continuous violations of the non-motorized zone by snowmobilers.

{aridoc engine="iframe" width=900 height=600}images/documents/Letters/Rainbow-Lake-non-motorized-zone--Letter-to-FLNR-Deputy-Minister-Tim-Sheldan-May-6-2017.pdf{/aridoc}