More good news from Lions Bay. Finally, a parking remedy that is welcoming to visitors but not overwhelming the residents (article from 2017)

lions bay bc june 5 2017 lions bay mayor karl buhr co1

Lions Bay is a small village with a big parking problem.

That’s why the municipality, which straddles the Sea-to-Sky Highway about 13 kilometres north of West Vancouver, is soliciting proposals for a pay parking pilot project at three of the most popular areas for summer visitors.

“Social media has led to any number of places that were only known to the locals to be discovered,” said Lions Bay Mayor Karl Buhr. “On a good day, it’s a zoo.”

Currently, the only pay parking in the village is at the privately operated marina and at the CN railway lot near Lions Bay Beach Park, which the village leases from CN.

The pilot project, which would run from June 24 until Sept. 4, would involve three areas that have a total of about 67 parking stalls: The CN lot (25 stalls), Kelvin Grove Beach Park (27) and Sunset Drive trailhead (15).