May 9, 2016

2020 receives FOI responses for alleged Darling Lake mineral lick and communications with First Nations

The material received regarding communications between government employees and Squamish First Nation, or any other first nation pertaining to or mentioning the Darling Lake Trail, Darling Lake or Darling Ridge was almost 100% redacted. The information content was close to zero. What does that suggest? Is there something to hide?

The FOI response for the alleged mineral lick raised a couple of interesting questions. There is a circle around the trail as it approaches Darling Lake. The area contained in the circle, approximately two hectares of granitic bedrock, glacial till and late season snowfields is allegedly an area of high quality mineral deposits favored by ungulates. According to Steve Rochetta, registered professional biologist, "goats and all other animals trek for miles to access minerals at these [sic] locations. Putting large numbers of people through this location would not be recommended, human use should avoid this critical feature."

The area in question was "discovered" by Murray Watt, a compliance and enforcement officer with Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in Squamish in August 2015. What was officer Watt doing inside Garibaldi Park? Typically, a park ranger would patrol a park not a forest officer. What background does officer Watt have by way of biology? Finally, did the RPBio Rochetta ever visit Darling Lake and conduct research that such a broad statement can be made.

2020 will visit the area of the alleged mineral lick once the seasonal snow has retreated. The purpose will be to independently verify the information alleged in the FOI response.

In the meantime, 2020 welcomes information from the public. Have you seen mountain goats or other animals in the vicinity of Darling Lake, Darling Ridge or Mamquam Icefield? We have so far received reports of goats and wolverine in the vicinity of Darling Lake in the summer of 2015. Have you seen goat wool snagged on trees, scat, footprints or bedding places. We are interested in hearing of your observations. Even an observation that nothing of this nature was observed is pertinent.