2020 - The year of the backcountry recreation and conservation advocate - a personal reflection
One of my New Year's resolutions for 2020 was to take it easy and to take a break from advocacy, smell the roses, and enjoy the simple and pleasant things of life; do more fun things.
So what the heck happened? Where did all this muck come from and why do I always blindly charge and plunge full speed into it?
Maybe I am just a glutton for punishment, or maybe I lack impulse control and just can't help myself. Is this not the definition of insanity?
Besides which, who needs fantasy when reality is much more interesting and crazy. 
But on a serious note, the number of people willing to be that square peg in a sea of round holes is small. You will become friends with the endless onslaught of rubber mallets very quickly, regardless of your opinion, position or stance. It is the nature of the advocacy experience and of standing against the wind. 
Perhaps it is not the issues that draw me in, but rather, the predictable yet exciting clash with the rubber mallets.
There are too few advocates in this time of apathy and activism. I understand why. It is neither for the faint of heart, nor for those who need to be liked everybody. 
And being a little disagreeable now and then is not a moral failing or short coming. There is a diversity of personality types because the world needs and thrives on diversity. That being said, you do not have to be disagreeable to be a successful advocate - you just need a little courage, conviction, determination and some solid facts as your energy source.
Oh well, at least I do indeed enjoy the passing smell of skunk cabbage on the trail now and then.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." Winston Churchill