Logging in Manning Park Donut Hole

From the Western Wilderness Committee: https://www.wildernesscommittee.org/take-action/protect-manning-and-skagit-parks?fbclid=IwAR1CSpoyb66RBcXJXreRisP0p1zIQ-4G1IARnxLy5h6aNgJemQ16KL0s9V4

Your help is urgently needed NOW to stop road building and logging in the heart of Manning and Skagit provincial parks!

BC Timber Sales (BCTS), the BC government’s own logging operation, has barged into the Manning Park Donut Hole to build a network of logging roads. Felling has now started in the cutblocks they auctioned.

Your voice is needed to protect this forest from clearcuts. 

Please write the ministers in charge of forests and of parks today. Demand that they stop cutting the heart out of Manning and Skagit provincial parks.

Some points to consider while writing your letter…
  • BC Parks has granted BC Timber Sales a Parks Use Permit allowing logging trucks to use a park road so they can log in the Manning Park Donut Hole. The Parks Use Permit allowing logging trucks through Manning Park should be cancelled immediately.
  • Permits to log four clearcuts have been issued by BC Timber Sales. Two clearcuts have been logged, but two other clearcuts that are in scenic areas have not been logged. The permits to log these remaining clearcuts in the Manning Park Donut Hole must be cancelled immediately.
  • The Silverdaisy Trail is a popular hiking trail that starts in Manning Park and gives access to Silverdaisy Peak in the Donut Hole. BC Timber Sales’ approved clearcuts would greatly damage the view from the trail to the peak. Logging and road building in the Manning Park Donut Hole must be halted now to conserve the viewshed of the Silverdaisy trail to the peak.
  • The Manning Park Donut Hole encompasses spotted owl habitat in lower elevations and grizzly bear habitat in its upper elevations. None of the Donut Hole should be open to logging, which is very damaging to habitat.
  • The Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission, a cross-boundary organization set up to monitor and protect the Upper Skagit River Watershed has called for a halt to the road building and logging within the Manning Park Donut Hole.
  • Since 1996 when the Donut Hole was first formed, it has been the intention of the government of BC to add the Manning Park Donut Hole to the BC Provincial Park system once the mineral tenure issue could be resolved. Road building and logging are degrading key park values within the Donut Hole and must stop now.
  • Your letter will be sent to the Minister of the Environment George Heyman; the minister in charge of forests, Doug Donaldson and Premier John Horgan.