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Garibaldi at Squamish Resorts just never seems to go away, and it seems ever more likely that it will go ahead. There were a whole pile of shenanigans that we uncovered regarding this proposal a few years ago (see below) and we performed extensive mapping work on it.

Reference:  https://backcountrybc.ca/…/backcount…/brohm-ridge-custom-map



Hopefully the Proponent and Government have come up with a better wildlife/mountain Goat Management Plan other than keeping the proposed lifts justly slightly out of view of goat habitat, cutting down old growth and encroaching on Garibaldi Park. We will be keeping a close eye on how this issue progresses.

The Times Colonist Article (June 2018):


Proponent Website and comment form:


(Photo conceptualization taken from proponent's website)